Monday, February 28, 2011

Cajun Tuna

So My husband was actually the one who cooked this one, but I made the seasoning, so that counts, right? Anyways, Trader Joe's had good Ahi Tuna stakes on sale about two weeks ago and yesterday I finally thawed them in the fridge.
We usually just put some salt on our fish and call it good, but I wanted a little richer and spicier flavor. (plus we recently watched the Princess and the Frog, so Cajun spice was in the back of my mind)
Anyways, it was the perfect flavor for the tuna and made for a mouth-watering meal. It also tasted a lot better then I've had at a few restaurants.
Here's how to do:
Mix together 1/2 tablespoon salt with a healthy dash of cayenne pepper, smoked paprika, and black pepper with a smaller dash of onion and garlic powders.
preheat a good weighted skillet with a coating of olive oil over med-high heat.
Rub both sides of the tuna with the seasoning mixture.
Place in pan, reduce heat as needed (but keep in mind fish does well seared to start with. cook until just done.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


So its been awhile. Mainly, because my son decided he only needed one nap a day. Good-bye morning nap time! you will be dearly, dearly missed. So anyways, I've had a few things I meant to post on, but have since forgotten. I repeat meals so often, that they will come-up again. One thing, however, that I have left-out so far is desserts and last-min snack food. Also, my husband has been telling me I should post about the wonderful discovery I've made about cornstarch pudding.
Now, I am not going to claim that this is healthy or even good for you, but it does make my mouth water and is a lot better for you then other desserts. Also, since it has both (although not too bad) fat and sugar I find it actually satisfies my sweet tooth (I tend to still want to eat ice cream when I try to satisfy it with fruit).
Okay so here it is, over medium heat whisk together two cups milk (or milk subsistence, but if you are using a low fat liquid like almond milk either up the butter, egg, OR cornstarch amount) with 2 tablespoons cornstarch, a tablespoon butter and optional one egg yoke, sweeten to taste. The rest is up to you. I actually have been using nesquick and a little vanilla to sweeten and flavor mine lately. I also like vanilla, nutmeg and some agave nectar to sweeten which is probably more healthy.