Thursday, February 3, 2011


So its been awhile. Mainly, because my son decided he only needed one nap a day. Good-bye morning nap time! you will be dearly, dearly missed. So anyways, I've had a few things I meant to post on, but have since forgotten. I repeat meals so often, that they will come-up again. One thing, however, that I have left-out so far is desserts and last-min snack food. Also, my husband has been telling me I should post about the wonderful discovery I've made about cornstarch pudding.
Now, I am not going to claim that this is healthy or even good for you, but it does make my mouth water and is a lot better for you then other desserts. Also, since it has both (although not too bad) fat and sugar I find it actually satisfies my sweet tooth (I tend to still want to eat ice cream when I try to satisfy it with fruit).
Okay so here it is, over medium heat whisk together two cups milk (or milk subsistence, but if you are using a low fat liquid like almond milk either up the butter, egg, OR cornstarch amount) with 2 tablespoons cornstarch, a tablespoon butter and optional one egg yoke, sweeten to taste. The rest is up to you. I actually have been using nesquick and a little vanilla to sweeten and flavor mine lately. I also like vanilla, nutmeg and some agave nectar to sweeten which is probably more healthy.

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