Monday, March 7, 2011

Lentils and rice

Originally, I was planing on making my corn and bean chili tonight, but I keep forgetting to soak some beans. (maybe I should do that right now before, I forget again...nope)
Anyways, I felt like I have been eating either sweets or spinach salads lately. So my body has been really craving non-meat proteins. Thus, lentils!
If you don't know about lentils here a Meredith summery:
Lentils are high in both protein, fiber, and some vitamins like beans. They also have a similar taste to light colored beans, but unlike beans they are fast to cook and don't require pre-soaking.
Okay so here's a simple healthy meal.
cook 1/2 cup of brown rice with fine narrow slices of fresh ginger. in another pot lightly saute some finely diced onion and garlic (not too much) in a tablespoon of olive oil then too that pan add 2 cups of water and cook 1/2 cup of brown lentils. Bring to a boil then put on simmer until lentils are tender. Drain any excess water as needed. mix cooked lentils with rice. Salt generously and pepper to taste (if you have white pepper use that, I don't have it but I would have used it if I did)
You body will thank you.

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