Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Against the odds Quiche

So I had a couple of plans for my meal posting today. Both, however, were ruined. I was going to talk about the lovely microwaved sweet potato lunch my son and me have, but I was greedy and picked a really big fat sweet potato (I actually bought the fattest one I saw at the store.) Well, instead of cooking perfectly in the microwave like the normal sized ones do, it remained rock hard in the center. Lets just say I had to cook it in sections. My husband needed some lunch so I ended up cooking some instant roman noodles with the hope that adding broccoli, green onion, and cooking it in broth instead of the salt packets would make it worthy to post. Sadly, when I looked up how they make instant noodles I came to the realization that I just couldn't get by posting it (plus I didn't have broth on hand so I used the sodium on steroids packet.)
As dinner time approached, I was stumped on what I could make for dinner. Then as I gazed at my fridge I saw my eggs and remembered the bag of frozen spinach in the freezer. Spinach Quiche! One problem was my son would be awake and hungry in about 45 mins, which is about how long the quiche takes to cook. That left me with hardly any time for making the crust and prep work. I do have a recipe for a crust-less, bread topped quiche, but I wanted crust darn it!
So After preheating the oven to 425, with pastry cutter in hand I made pie crust faster then I ever have. I didn't have space to roll it out properly so i flattened it a bit and then used the 'little kid' method of pie rolling, which is put the pie in the pan and mold it like play-do. believe it or not that turned out a good crust. After starting the pie I realized I didn't have all the ingredients, like cream (or milk) and Swiss cheese, so I substituted the cream for powder milk with a little less water then asked for, a dash of olive oil, and an extra egg in the recipe for insurance. I used cheddar cheese for the Swiss and I would have used parmigiana if mine hadn't turned hard as a rock from leaving it unwrapped. Oh I also ran out of black pepper so I put in a little cumin and I put in garlic powder just for kicks. By the time the crust was half way cooked, the filling was ready. It turned out really, really good. In fact I might do the powdered milk substitution more often so I don't have to waste milk.
well here's the normal recipe. Don't be afraid to make changes!
crust: 1 1/2 cup flour, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup butter, 3-4 tablespoons cold water
pre-cook crust a little over half way at 400 F (about 9 mins)
4 eggs, 2 cups light cream or whole milk, 1/2 teaspoon salt, dash of nutmeg, black pepper, onion powder, and cayenne pepper,. Beat well. mix in 3/4 cup Swiss cheese and 1 cup cooked (drained) spinach.
Bake at 425 F for 10 mins, then at 350 F for 30 min (until you can stick a knife in the center and it comes out clean.

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